Evil Squirrels and a birthday in Georgetown

"don't mess with me, this is MY tree bitch"

Man, those black squirrels in Georgetown have a real attitude LOL! but what a gorgeous squirrel, first time I have seen a black one. He stood his ground staring at me for a quite a long time. I thought he was going to go after me . Don't you just love his back legs.

Had a great trip to D.C. For my 53rd (sheesh time is flying by) birthday we

Faces, Faces, Everywhere

My daughter saw this face in the tree when we were walking in Glen Helen, and Nancy saw one in the Newstand. My favourite is the one below that I saw at the Docs office, it has this non plussed look, which is exactly how I felt that day.

To see more check out I See Faces by photographer Dave Gorman at Flickr. I never knew there were so many hidden faces in so many objects.

Not one but

recycled art

I love the idea of recycling things to create art and so when a neighbour's son gave me about 30 old records he had rescued from the trash I was over the moon.
I have been mulling over the idea of using photographs of dolls and then using adobe to overlay patterns on the dolls, which I then paint on the records. It is in a similar vein as what madsilence was talking about on his blog, The Art

Art Fairie's at It Again - Found Art

Well we just can't seem to help ourselves (Nancy and Moi that is) LOL! Tuesdays are our day to walk and then exercise/ unleash our creative mischief. So we decided to add a little knitting and flowers outside the Nolaa Gallery, much to Jafa Jens delight, and add lace to a tree outside the Village Artisans.

Since it was Found Art Tuesday, I left this little flower painted
cd piece on the

Blither Blather Bother

Blithering on seems to be my thing lately, but Jean Yates at Snap out of it Jean! There's BEADING to be Done did ask me to do an interview. How could I say no, she is one of my fave bloggers, and it was a honor to be asked. I know many people are probably sick of reading about me, but what I found interesting is how different interviewer questions exposes another facet of a person's

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