Cafe Show in Mechanicsburg

The Jafagirls will be part of an exhibit at the Beans-N-Cream in Mechanicsburg, Ohio.
I submitted two heart paintings (acrylic, glitter and resin on wood) and a small painting.

Ghosts of Antioch

Graffiti outside Birch Hall

Well I didn't actually see any ghosts but it was very very sad to see Antioch College nothing more than a ghost campus, shut down and quiet.

This was Antioch
Rod Serling wandered the halls, as did Coretta Scott King, and so many others but their voices still ring out.

I am a nonstopian
I signed up for a credit class with the Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute (

JafaBrit is Fagged

It was FAF (free art friday) and the jafagirls were busy leaving work all over town. Wasn't easy trying to leave things discreetly as the town was packed for the grand finale of summer in the springs. As well as FAF Nancy and I were helping host a teen art show at the YS Arts Council Gallery. We did a workshop with the kids earlier in the week and then we helped hang the show this morning

vinyl record painting

"night demons"

by c.bayrak

I have heard it said that when an artist reuses an image it's because they've run out of ideas.
Maybe sometimes that is true, I don't know, but there is comfort in revisiting an old image. Sometimes it is because one loves an image and wants to explore how many ways it can be represented or reinterpreted.

resin coated painting

Found this snippet about "The

The Dog Days of Summer

Glass of RibenaPhoto by c.bayrakI usually prefer drinking it hot, but yesterday demanded a cold drink.

Dog Days of Summer

vinyl record painting

I can't remember if I've posted this before, but this one and the one on my jafabrit flickr page are going to be included in a vinyl record exhibit in New York at the APW Gallery in October. YEA!!!!!!!
It was by invitation with the first 50 submissions to be accepted.

One of my favourite blogs is skulladay as it is always fascinating to see how someone can make a skull out of almost

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