well I gotta do SOMETHING

In a bit of a creative flux and with the holidays it's hard to get into any serious work, BUT I just NEEDED to play and paint. There are all these theories about art and when I looked over the list here I thought the closest I came was self expression. However the possibility that someone just enjoys the process for itself often seems overlooked. There's this  meditative quality that comes from


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  I got it into my head I wanted white lace curtains to match the white tree, and white faux fur cushions.  Well, err the local cheapo shops don't sell cheapo lace curtains anymore (too old fashioned I guess), and I couldn't find faux fur cushions anywhere except on uk sites that cost an arm and a leg. Amazon to the rescue and I ordered a yard of faux fur, wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! I

Not sure and really sure

Not sure I'm liking this embroidery so far. Nearly finished, BUT, hum!!!!! I enjoyed the process, like the stitches, love the colours and shapes, but to be honest as a whole it isn't doing much for me.  Something is missing, maybe I need to balance out the pink circle on the right, or add some text, OR maybe it is just boring.  The piece of wood at the top is a door knocker that it's

The Loo Lost it's View

Chamberpot Gallery Closes

After 4 wonderful years the jafagirls, Nancy and moi,  have officially closed the ChamberPot Gallery in the local Chamber of Commerce Restrooms in Yellow Springs as of November 15th 2010. We would like to thank all the people involved in making this project happen, the participating artists, the visitors who took joy in it, and the visitors who bought some of the work.

through a lens

reading art by corrine bayraktaroglu originally
posted on Jafabrit's Art. 

you for dropping by.

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I'm not a photographer per se, more of a cataloger, and sometimes I luck out and manage to capture  what I think is a really good image. This is one of my favourites.

 Somehow all the elements came together. A beautiful blue sky, glitttering icicles hanging

The Sun Shineth Upon Us

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I love how the shadow of the branch looks like a bird. I would like to think it a crow but it looks more like a jabiru, which seems fitting since their plumage is pure white.

We were supposed to have snow but instead it was hot. I actually got a bit sunburn on my neck as my Jafapal, Nancy, and I started our newest craft/yarnbombing graffiti in town.

Photograph included in


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Street Art Inspired Embroidery

long & short stitch on grey linen

It's coming along slowly.


Talking About Street Art

This Banksy Inspired Halloween Costume is BRILLIANT 

Retro Corner

Went thrifting and couldn't resist this 50's ornament made made in japan.

Guardian Month in Photography
monthly guide to the 20 best photographic exhibitions and books

There are

Glen Forest Cemetery: Old Headstone

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Glen Forest Cemetery

Yellow Springs, Ohio

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Gravestone Symbols

It's hard to make out since it is so worn but the  may be a passion flower (christ's passion), maybe a couple of apples (salvation) or poppies (eternal sleep), and the hand representing pathway to heaven.
I don't see a born date or age, only months, so I am guessing this was a stillborn child.

Luna at The Underbelly Project

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Street Art Way Below the Street in an abandoned subway station.

Another one of my FAVE photographers on Flickr is Luna Park who was lucky enough to go and see the Underbelly Project. She took some smashing photographs and wrote a great blog entry about it on her The Street Spot site.

All this of course makes my little rabbit sticker seem rather pathetic, BUT hey we don't have

Sketchbook: sgraffito and quotes

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I was experimenting a little with sgraffito in preparation for a painting, plus I just enjoyed doing it.

oil on canvas

 It's painted over a copy of a rothko I'd done and I thought the portrait of my pal George would look cool with the colours peeking through.

I'm not really into the artsy fartsy gobbledegook art speak but I was struck by Ernst Gombrich's quote on page 78

War Art and the Best of British

Seeing a painting printed or online is NEVER going to have the same impact that seeing it in the real does and this painting by John Singer Sargent was very powerful. 

It was included in the Guardian's list The 10 best British artworks about war: Broadcaster Jon Snow picks his favourite artistic interpretations of war.

Kind of makes my work seem rather trivial, but they're mine and they

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