sketchbook scaredy cats
Spread your wings and let the fairy in you fly!
~Author Unknown
black gesso, spray white gesso and spray glitter
I had sprayed a doll in the garage and it left a shadow on the mat, which I really liked. So I thought I'd try it in my sketchbook. It has a lovely ethereal quality.
So what does this have to do with sketchbook scaredy cats. Well, there are a LOT of people who are either
Embroidery Graffiti and Stitched Drawing
I was testing a piece for embroidery and paint on tea stained linen for graffiti. I don't live somewhere with buses and trains, so this type of embroidery graffiti is NOT in the cards for me. Mine will be just stuck in my sketchbook for a while until somewhere feels right.
Stitched Drawing
Oh my I LOVE Tilleke Schwarz work. It has this wonderful sense of freedom.
Shadows of Life
As the sun crept up
shadows danced across the snow
Narratives in Stitch
by Esther Nisenthal Krinitz
Esther started to make these stunning stitched narratives at the age of 50.
About Narrative Art
The story of the Yum Yum Pole
I miss the yum yum pole, but alas it had to be taken down due to looking ratty. This yarnbombing was outside the local sweetie shop on Dayton
Embroidery Challenges: Faces
Saw this on BoooooooM
it made me go WOW!
Look closely at the ash!
I like the deception.
I'm still working on parts for my panel and this one was a real bugger to do for several reasons. I printed a photo I had taken onto cotton rather than draw it since the image was so small and detailed.
Hand Embroidery & acrylic paint on the boots
Tim smoking by the Knit Knot Tree
thread of life is spun
Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.
Edward de Bono
It is said that in order to break the rules one must know them but sometimes I think it better NOT to know all the patterns/rules when it comes to art. Part of the journey in creativity is not so much the end product but struggling how to get there, and in the process coming
Talk about Nasty Rhetoric
"The originator and moving spirit of this bad period was Miss Linwood.....She died in 1845. Would that she had never been born! When we think of the many years which English women have spent over those wickedly hideous Berlin-wool pictures, working their bad drawing and vilely crude colours into those awful canvases, and imagining that they were earning undying fame as notable women for all the
Embroidery of Yarnbombed Tree
Work in Progress
Embroidery of the Knit Knot Tree.
Some are so technique driven they become slaves to it. I'm glad I've escaped this fate because this piece doesn't need pefection. I was finding ladder stitch a little difficult to do but it worked to my benefit. It replicated the sense of knitting being a bit askew on the branches.
check out Olek's
Being Jacky Pollock, NOT! and Jerry talks ART
I'm not a big fan of cubist work but I did enjoy Jerry Saltz explanation and it gave me a wee bit more appreciation. I've been lucky enough to see many of these works in the real, and while some dismiss Pollocks drip painting, being in the room with it, WOW! is right. Having tried drip painting myself it isn't that easy to convey such a lyrical sense of movement and colour choices.
arf! arf!
Faces in Places
arf! arf! says my brain coral
Flower Power Reception
Nancy and I recycled some of the flowers from the summer flower power street art project and craftbombed the Emporium for the reception.
For a snowy Saturday night we had a good crowd and I thank them for coming out for just a bunch of jafas'. Our group show managed to collect 4 bags of food for the local food
Oh, crap! She's Up
I like that the New Year is starting off with a show, a new embroidery project. It's going to be a panel with the "Knit Knot Tree" in it. I've used some new stitches since I need to get a sense of knitting on the tree. So far I've done brick couching, Queen Anne Stitch, broad chain stitch and satin stitch.
Embroidery Stitches A to Z
Talking about the "knit knot tree" a pal tipped me off
Blog Archive
- sketchbook scaredy cats
- Embroidery Graffiti and Stitched Drawing
- Shadows of Life
- Embroidery Challenges: Faces
- thread of life is spun
- Talk about Nasty Rhetoric
- Embroidery of Yarnbombed Tree
- Being Jacky Pollock, NOT! and Jerry talks ART
- arf! arf!
- Oh, crap! She's Up
- Heart in the Hand
- All about Rabbits
- Flower Power Exhibit
- Year of the Rabbit